Hi. Can anyone recommend any fics staring Miko Kusanagi? I seem to have developed a thing for her lately. But happy endings only please. Chocolate cookies for any help :)
I am a diehard Mcshepper but I have always have a soft spot for Miko and is there any fic about her other than the recs two posts down. Would love her and any other character in a pairing though Rodney would be a plus as he is a favourite character. As far as I can tell there is only three serious fics about her and they are all Mckay and her. I
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I'm in the mood for MIko stories. With her being brave, thoughtful, or just plain wonderful. Gen/Het/Slash are all welcome. I don't really care who is paired with who so long as Miko is a major POV character
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I am looking for Ronon/Miko fics. They can be friendship fics, too, and any rating. I know it's kind of a strange pairing, but they're pretty cute together, when I think about it.